Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I request an adopter for the prospector package [1].


The package description is:
 Prospector analyzes Python source files and puts out information about
 coding errors, potential problems, convention violation and unnecessary
 It provides an uniform and flexible interface for these tools:
  - Pylint (extensive Python code checker)
  - Pyflakes (checks Python code for logical errors)
  - Frosted (a Pyflakes fork)
  - Pep8 (checks for Python coding style conventions)
  - Pep8-naming (checks for naming conventions not covered by Pep8)
  - McCabe (checks for cyclomatic code complexity)
  - Pep257 (checks for compliance with the docstring conventions)
  - Dodgy (checks for hard coded passwords, VCS diff checkins etc.)
  - Vulture (scans Python programs for unused code)
  - Pyroma (Python packaging quality checker)
 Prospector detects if code employs specific frameworks and libraries
 like currently Django (web application framework)
 and Celery (asynchronous task/job queue),
 and checks them by corresponding Pylint plugins.


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