1. Company name:
   Advertising agency Sitte.pl, Lublin, Poland
2. type of organization: company, commercial organization
3. /url: https://sitte.pl/
4. Our company uses Debian on two dedicated servers and three VPSs.
   These are used for commercial purposes, mainly to maintain hosting
   for our clients' sites. Mainly it is Apache server (PHP + MySQL). A
   few dedicated solutions.
   The biggest advantage for us is the stability of the environment and
   high compatibility with many public libraries.


Best Regards
*Bartosz Machnik*
tel: +48 *081 473 20 11*
tel: *+48 606 28 10 23*
e-mail: kont...@sitte.pl
www: www.sitte.pl
skype: bartoszmachnik

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