
I have not received any reply about my request for adding my government
organization to the debian users list. That is why I send you this message
from my personal email.

As a reminder, I have sent the message below with « Who’s using Debian » as
object :


I give you some informations on using Debian GNU/Linux in my
public/government organization.

1.     *Name of organization :*

   - Division : Service de l’information géographique et de la topographie
      - Organization : Lorient Agglomération
      - City : Lorient
      - Province/Country : Bretagne, France

2.     *Organization type :* government

3.     *Home page link :* https://www.lorient-agglo.bzh/

4.     *Intent of use :* Debian is used primary as a server for intensive
processings, so that we can process heavy mapping and geographical data
(solar irradiation, high resolution landcover from satellite imagery). We
use mainly open-source softwares such as QGIS, Orfeo ToolBox, Grass GIS,
SAGA, Python. We have chosen Debian for its focus on free software, its
stability, its philosphy, and its « non-profit » culture… We have great
hopes to support free softwares as alternatives to Windows and proprietary
softwares, for governement organizations.

A reply would be greatly appreciated.

Warmest regards,


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