Summary for Andrea Glorioso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


pub  1024D/F0402F3F 2000-10-05 Andrea Glorioso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sig!       28E57F70 2001-02-05  Davide Puricelli (evo) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Philosophy & Procedures

Andrea understands Debian's philosophy and agrees with it.

Tasks & Skills

Andrea is working on fixing some bugs in the CVS package and
Davide Puricelli is possibly going to do a NMU for him.
Andrea is also interested in QA work for which he certainly
has the qualification.  He has worked together with me on QA
and discussed some plans and I feel confident that he will
be a good addition to Debian.

Davide Puricelli who knows Andrea in real life and who has worked
together with him says:

 From: Davide Puricelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > I think Andrea Glorioso should be accepted as a Debian Developer, as
 > he's got remarkable skills and his work will without doubt greatly
 > benefit the Debian project.


I recommend that Anrea be accepted as a Debian maintainer.

Martin Michlmayr

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