Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/spanish CD/faq/index.wml MailingLists/i ...

2018-03-18 Thread Debian WWW CVS
CVSROOT:/cvs/webwml Module name:webwml Changes by: larjona 18/03/18 13:44:06 Modified files: spanish/CD/faq : index.wml Log message: Modified files: spanish/MailingLists: index.wml Log message: Sync with English

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml spanish/CD/faq/index.wml russian/consul ...

2017-08-13 Thread Debian WWW CVS
CVSROOT:/cvs/webwml Module name:webwml Changes by: larjona 17/08/13 22:16:14 Modified files: spanish/CD/faq : index.wml Log message: original change does not affect translations, just bump Modified files: russian/consultants: emergya.wml Log message:

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/spanish/CD/faq index.wml

2017-08-09 Thread Debian WWW CVS
CVSROOT:/cvs/webwml Module name:webwml Changes by: larjona 17/08/09 13:30:45 Modified files: spanish/CD/faq : index.wml Log message: Update Spanish translation to version 1.137

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/spanish/CD/faq index.wml

2016-01-27 Thread Debian WWW CVS
CVSROOT:/cvs/webwml Module name:webwml Changes by: larjona 16/01/27 17:14:13 Modified files: spanish/CD/faq : index.wml Log message: Bump version number

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/spanish/CD/faq index.wml

2016-01-11 Thread Debian WWW CVS
CVSROOT:/cvs/webwml Module name:webwml Changes by: larjona 16/01/11 19:34:58 Modified files: spanish/CD/faq : index.wml Log message: Update Spanish translation to version 1.130

Debian WWW CVS commit by larjona: webwml/spanish/CD/faq index.wml

2015-12-17 Thread Debian WWW CVS
CVSROOT:/cvs/webwml Module name:webwml Changes by: larjona 15/12/17 18:28:47 Modified files: spanish/CD/faq : index.wml Log message: Fix validation error