CVSROOT:        /cvs/webwml
Module name:    webwml
Changes by:     skv-guest       16/10/14 08:18:57

Modified files:
        french/devel/debian-med/News/2009: index.wml 
        french/security/2009: index.wml 
Added files:
        french/devel/debian-med/News/2010: index.wml Makefile 
        french/events/2010: index.wml Makefile 
        french/security/2010: index.wml Makefile 
        french/vote/2009/platforms: index.wml Makefile 
        french/vote/2010/platforms: index.wml Makefile 
        french/vote/2010: index.wml Makefile 

Log message:
        Some translated general pages added (and some old ones corrected in the 

Modified files:
        english/News/weekly/2014/16: index.wml 
        french/News/weekly/2014/16: index.wml 

Log message:
        Fix typos and BTS link (+ t-c for fr)

Modified files:
        russian/security/2005: dsa-805.wml 

Log message:
        (Russian) Proofread translation

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