I was able to reduce the code significantly and it seems to be caused by


I was also able to reproduce it on the latest bleadperl. I'm going to report
this bug.



        Shlomi Fish

On Sun, 06 Dec 2015 21:15:26 +0200
KES <kes-...@yandex.ua> wrote:

> Hi.
> This code woks fine:
> package Devel::KP;
>  our $VERSION =  '0.01';
>  package    # hide the package from the PAUSE indexer
>    DB;
>    sub sub {
>       goto &$DB::sub;
>    }
>    use Benchmark qw/ cmpthese /;
>    sub DB {
>    }
>    1;
>    But if I change DB::sub to look like:
>    sub sub {
>            print @_;
>       goto &$DB::sub;
>    }
> I get segfault

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
Perl Humour - http://perl-begin.org/humour/

To have bugs is human; to fix them — divine.

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