[Declude.JunkMail] automated response

2011-09-08 Thread Dave Marchette
Effective immediately, please use dave.marche...@connectedindustries.com for 
all business and non-business related correspondence.  The citcomm.com address 
is no longer valid.


Dave Marchette

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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] AOL Header Test

2011-09-08 Thread Rick Davidson
You were correct Andrew, I added an additional rule without the space and 
started hitting them

the odd thing is that I copied and pasted that header line to my rule and when 
looking at it there is a space, weird.


From: Colbeck, Andrew [mailto:acolb...@bentallkennedy.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 5:42 PM
To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] AOL Header Test

Rick, you have a space between the colon and the YES and, if I remember 
correctly, AOL does not put a space there.

#Email from AOL which they believe is spam
On the other hand, there is a case-sensitive flavour that comes out of 
SpamAssassin, and AOL provides this format at their Postmaster FAQ page for 
mail that people send to AOL accounts:

#Email from a SpamAssassin implementation that belives the outbound mail was 



From: Rick Davidson [mailto:rdavid...@nat.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 3:06 PM
To: Declude.JunkMail@declude.com
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] AOL Header Test
I have a combo test for scrutinizing AOL and the large webmail providers, I am 
trying to trigger on an AOL X header with this


any idea why this wouldn't hit?



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