I agree.  My original purchase of Imail was just so I could set up a
more or less reliable mail server for my virtual domains cheaply,
quickly and easily and then maintain it with relatively little effort
and expense.  It has fit that bill wonderfully and Scott's declude has
enhanced it far more than I ever anticipated.  HKSI's templates have
also improved it to really a pretty nice product.  My basic needs have
not changed and neither has the market for Windows mail servers as far
as I can tell.

I view Scott, Ron, and other 3rd party providers more as custom
programming companies that have found a nice niche market for their own
efforts and have provided a wonderful value for those of us who use

But the leap into software publishing is a long one and a dangerous one.
Certainly it has a lot of allure but the cost of publishing is so great
in every area and the chance for a "hit" is worse than trying to make a
hit movie.  And it takes a "hit" now.  Even those who get hits usually
are unable to stay the course beyond one or two editions.

Frankly, I think the future is brighter for Scott than Ipswitch.  I
don't think the future for software publishing as we've known it up to
now is very good.  

But maybe I'm wrong.  Certainly wouldn't be a new experience.

Probably we'll see an entire paradigm shift anyway - maybe along the
lines of .net or some other kind of widely distributed services
components.  Still that bodes well for Scott and other adaptable authors
but it takes a gargantuan effort to point a company like Ipswitch in
that direction.  The future is just cloudy.

No to your question on spell checkers.  I have experimented with a
number, too, not just for imail but other applications.  Generally I
don't like the Java ones as well as I do the ActiveX ones.  Well
actually I hate the Java ones.  The ActiveX ones work a lot better now
than they used to but there is still such a wide audience that cannot
(or will not) use them.  If you have to have one then I think the Word
one works about as well as any for those that can use it.  

Personally I think spell checking for web email is a royal waste of
resources from start to finish for all parties.  Even when people have
them they either don't use them or they make deliberate mistakes anyway.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Roger Heath
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:15 AM
Let's hope not for Scott's sake...

The only thing we really need on our Imail now is a third party
spell checker. The Imail forum has not helped me here at all.

Has anyone achieved this integration?

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