I have solved the D2007 Help problems, and can verify that the D2007 help is
a lot better than the D2006 help.

It still tends to bring up piles of .net only stuff if one is not careful
(eg the language filter does not even mention Delphi).  Sometime I will get
around to figuring out how to suppress the extra .net stuff....

D2007 Installaware Installer:

Hmmm..... I have found several *features* with this installer, they should
probably get back to the Codegear people - where is the best place to send

1 - The installer does not notice disk errors on an install DVD - after 5
minutes of retries the installation program continued with no error message,
no warning, and several files not installed.

2 - The log files showed a lot of "OK" messages and no errors

3 - I got replacement files for the error-prone one and copied the rest of
the install DVD onto the HD and ran the install from there.

4 - Doing a Modify or Repair install seems useless - even with the complete
set of files present in the install folder it did not fix it.  It also takes
as long as a full install.

5 - A complete uninstall and complete re-install did fix it.  The help is
good, well rather slower than the D5 help I also have but very

6 - If doing a complete reinstall there is a bug - you have to delete the

        C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CodeGear

It contains previous install license information that will cause the
reinstall to reject the Product Authorisation Code you are entering again.

6 - On the plus side, I found to my surprise that previously installed
components such as Rave and 3rd party Components and added options to the
tools menu are still there.

7 - I have to say the installer is at least very pretty to watch.  And
according to the stuff shown on the screen it obviously has a lot to do and
takes its time doing it all.  I am still wondering about the long section
"Validating Install" as whatever it was doing checking for missing files was
not one of them.

Installing components for D2005/D2006/D2007 is easy if you read 


(look for Wednesday, May 02, 2007 entry)

There was also a gotcha about altering .DSK files and project options
Conditionals/Directories if moving source to another folder...(previous

Also using D2006 was pretty slick, and D2007 is definitely even better.
Have moved all real work to it already.

Installing D2007, components, configuring and moving all my work to it
(about 3-4 hours - most of that waiting for the installer) was a lot quicker
than fixing the help problem (several days)


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