RE: [DUG]: Setting up the # of drop down rows from a WINDOWS Dialog Control

1999-04-06 Thread Chris Crowe

Sounds and Looks like a far easier method than what I did. I might even convert to 
that since I only want to add mainly group box's with some controls, and check box's.



Christopher Crowe (Software Developer)
Microsoft MVP, MCP

Adrock Software
Byte Computer & Software LTD
P.O Box 13-155 
New Zealand
Phone/Fax (NZ) 03-3651-112

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Dennis Chuah
> Sent: Tuesday, 6 April 1999 16:47
> To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
> Subject: RE: [DUG]: Setting up the # of drop down rows from a WINDOWS
> Dialog Control
> Chris,
> > I sort of worked something like that out looking at the D4 source
> > code for the Combo Box. I came up with this bit of code below.
> >
> > I was doing this as part of my new Open Dialogs for a project.
> > The project adds combos, checkboxs, and groups to the open dialogs.
> Have you considered looking at ExtDlgs.pas - this is the source to the
> TOpenPicture / TSavePicture dialogs.  It is a very good example of how you
> can create Delphi controls for use on a non-Delphi form / dialog. 
>  You might
> be able to replace your combobox with the Delphi TCombobox component.
> > In order to get a dialog recource editor I had to install
> > Microsoft Visual C++ which is over 300 meg, so I have a 300 meg
> > resource editor. It is such a pity Borland did not think that
> > Delphi developers would like such a tool, instead of providing
> > such rubbish in a product called ImageEditor which has the same
> > bugs since about D2, and does not edit or create resources
> > anyway, except images and does that badly as well.
> I agree.  Delphi ought to have a resource workshop "built in".  Given the
> extensible nature of Delphi, this shouldn't be too difficult for 
> Borland to
> do.  BTW, the various versions of the resource workshop in 
> Borland C++ also
> have their bugs, some of which carry from version to version.  
> What we need
> is a *REAL* resource editor.  Any takers?
> -
> Dennis Chuah, BE (Hons) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Manager, Product Development
> Contec Data Systems Ltd. []
> tel: +64-3-3580060 ext-775 fax: +64-3-3588045
> --
> -
> New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Website:

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: Setting up the # of drop down rows from a WINDOWS Dialog Control

1999-04-06 Thread Dennis Chuah


> I sort of worked something like that out looking at the D4 source
> code for the Combo Box. I came up with this bit of code below.
> I was doing this as part of my new Open Dialogs for a project.
> The project adds combos, checkboxs, and groups to the open dialogs.

Have you considered looking at ExtDlgs.pas - this is the source to the
TOpenPicture / TSavePicture dialogs.  It is a very good example of how you
can create Delphi controls for use on a non-Delphi form / dialog.  You might
be able to replace your combobox with the Delphi TCombobox component.

> In order to get a dialog recource editor I had to install
> Microsoft Visual C++ which is over 300 meg, so I have a 300 meg
> resource editor. It is such a pity Borland did not think that
> Delphi developers would like such a tool, instead of providing
> such rubbish in a product called ImageEditor which has the same
> bugs since about D2, and does not edit or create resources
> anyway, except images and does that badly as well.

I agree.  Delphi ought to have a resource workshop "built in".  Given the
extensible nature of Delphi, this shouldn't be too difficult for Borland to
do.  BTW, the various versions of the resource workshop in Borland C++ also
have their bugs, some of which carry from version to version.  What we need
is a *REAL* resource editor.  Any takers?

Dennis Chuah, BE (Hons) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Manager, Product Development
Contec Data Systems Ltd. []
tel: +64-3-3580060 ext-775 fax: +64-3-3588045

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: Setting up the # of drop down rows from a WINDOWS Dialog Control

1999-04-05 Thread Chris Crowe

Thanks Dennis

I sort of worked something like that out looking at the D4 source code for the Combo 
Box. I came up with this bit of code below.

I was doing this as part of my new Open Dialogs for a project. The project adds 
combos, checkboxs, and groups to the open dialogs.

In order to get a dialog recource editor I had to install Microsoft Visual C++ which 
is over 300 meg, so I have a 300 meg resource editor. It is such a pity Borland did 
not think that Delphi developers would like such a tool, instead of providing such 
rubbish in a product called ImageEditor which has the same bugs since about D2, and 
does not edit or create resources anyway, except images and does that badly as well.



1019 : { Put File Dir }
 if (HiWord(WPARAM) = CBN_DROPDOWN) then
  Handle := GetDlgItem(Wnd, cmd);
  ControlHeight := SendDlgItemMessage(Wnd,1019, CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, -1, 
  ItemHeight := SendDlgItemMessage(Wnd,1019, CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0)+1;
  ItemCount  := SendDlgItemMessage(Wnd,1019, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
  GetWindowRect(Handle, fRect);
  Width := fRect.Right-fRect.Left;
  if ItemCount > DropDownDirectoryCount then
 ItemCount := DropDownDirectoryCount;
  if ItemCount < 1 then
 ItemCount := 1;

  SetWindowPos(Handle, 0, 0, 0, Width, ItemCount * 
 SetWindowPos(Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE + 
 GetDlgItemText(Wnd,cmd, Buffer, 255);
 XPutFileDir := StrPas(Buffer);

Christopher Crowe (Software Developer)
Microsoft MVP, MCP

Byte Computer & Software LTD
P.O Box 13-155 
New Zealand
Phone/Fax (NZ) 03-3651-112

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Dennis Chuah
> It seems like you are using the standard Windows combobox.  If this is the
> case, the height of the dropdown list is dependent on the height of the
> combobox control.  The combobox works by creating 3 controls, 1. the
> combobox control (invisible), 2. the edit control, and 3. the listbox
> control.  The listbox control is normally invisible.  When the combobox
> control is first created, the height of the listbox control is 
> set to height
> of (1) - height of (2).

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [DUG]: Setting up the # of drop down rows from a WINDOWS Dialog Control

1999-04-05 Thread Dennis Chuah


>  I wam wanting to set the # of rows a drop down combo will drop.
> I have say 8 items in my drop down list, but when I open the list
> only the first item is shown with some very small scroll bars.
> I am using a windows dialog box control, and programtically
> filling the dialog with values using code like this.
>   for Pos := 0 to Directories.Count-1 do
> SendDlgItemMessage(Wnd,1019, CB_ADDSTRING, 0,
> Longint(PChar(Directories.Strings[POs])));
>   SetDlgItemText(Wnd,1019, pchar(PutFileDir));
> Any ideas?

It seems like you are using the standard Windows combobox.  If this is the
case, the height of the dropdown list is dependent on the height of the
combobox control.  The combobox works by creating 3 controls, 1. the
combobox control (invisible), 2. the edit control, and 3. the listbox
control.  The listbox control is normally invisible.  When the combobox
control is first created, the height of the listbox control is set to height
of (1) - height of (2).

Dennis Chuah, BE (Hons) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Manager, Product Development
Contec Data Systems Ltd. []
tel: +64-3-3580060 ext-775 fax: +64-3-3588045

New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]