On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, David MENTRE wrote:

 - it uses an new approach (to my knowledge) to authentication and

That sound like it's based on (or possibly the same as, I'd have to reread the paper) a scheme presented by Serge Vaudenay at Crypto'05. If anyone is interested, the paper can be found at <http://lasecwww.epfl.ch/php_code/publications/search.php?ref=Vau05a>

William D. Neumann


"There's just so many extra children, we could just feed the
children to these tigers. We don't need them, we're not doing anything with them.

Tigers are noble and sleek; children are loud and messy."

        -- Neko Case

Life is unfair.  Kill yourself or get over it.
        -- Black Box Recorder

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