Re: [Demexp-dev] About timestamps

2007-11-16 Par sujet David MENTRE
Hi Lyu,

2007/11/16, Lyu Abe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 What does local mean for you? (for me, it means the client computer)

No, for this particular case it means on the web server (which is a
proxy between the web browser and the real demexp server). The web
server is a server for the web browser but a client for the demexp
server. ;-)

  web browser  web server  demexp server

 To summarize my thoughts:
 -To be able to use timestamps, there must be a file on the client
 computer containing the timestamp of all questions, so that they can be
 compared to new timestamps(?)

No, that file (more probably a memory data structure) is on the web server.

 Since I feel I'm a little bit dumb on that question, here is a test case:
 -I am a user logging to Demexp for the first time
 -Two days later, I log again: can you precisely describe what is the
 process of using timestamps in that case? (client and server sides)

Ok, I try :-)

 1. The client web browser connects to the web server;

 2. The web server connects to the demexp server. It gets the new timestamps;

 3. The web server compares those timestamps to the old ones it has
store somewhere (e.g. in memory);

 4. If some timestamps are newer, the web server gets from the demexp
server the corresponding new labels of tags;

 5. After all that steps, the web server makes the HTML page and send
it back to the client web browser.

Now, trying to be clearer :

 * In a first prototype, you can replace steps 2-4 by * Connect to
the demexp server and always get all the tags with their labels;

 * If you really want to use timestamps, you probably won't do steps
2-4 for each new request of a web client but only after a timeout,
e.g. each 10 or 20 minutes.

Is it clearer now?


Demexp-dev mailing list

Re: [Demexp-dev] About timestamps

2007-11-14 Par sujet David MENTRE
[ Sorry for the duplicate, Lyu, I forgot [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]

Hi Lyu,

2007/11/14, Lyu Abe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 What do you mean by store tags? Does it mean storing the tags locally?

Yes. For example, you could store in the tags in a Python data
structure in memory.

However, in a first prototype, this is not mandatory. We could add it
at a later time if needed.

Have a good night, ;-)
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Demexp-dev mailing list

[Demexp-dev] About timestamps

2007-11-11 Par sujet Lyu Abe

Hello David,

I understand the mechanism of timestamps, but I'm not sure I understand 
how they work in detail. Tell me if this is correct: are timestamps 
saved independently for each users on the server? Then no problem.

 * Issue get_timestamp() (or get_timestamp_decoded()) to get all the
timestamps. Compare the returned value with the value you stored.

When you say with the value you stored, it confuses me: what does it 
mean exactly?

Also, can you explain what is the use of gt_tag, gt_question (this I 
think I understand), and gt_participant.

Thanks! Lyu

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