A while ago, I volunteered to manage a Derby release which will include a new feature that is important to me: an implementation of JDBC4. Based on the JDBC4 schedule then, I had hoped to post that release in June. However, because the JDBC4 schedule moved back, I must post my release later, most likely in October. Here is the reason:

Under the terms of the JCP specification license, a product may not release for general availability if it implements JCP specification APIs that are not generally available. Two JCP specifications, JSRs 221 and 270, affect Derby. JSR 221 governs JDBC4 and JSR 270 governs Java SE 6. JDBC4, as part of Java SE 6, is scheduled to go GA this autumn. See http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=221&showPrint and http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=270&showPrint. So a JDBC4-capable Derby GA cannot post till the fall.

I will continue to track the evolving JDBC4 spec and still expect to manage a release which implements that feature. However, you must understand that I do not have time to manage a June release as well.

I am sorry to bear this disappointing news.


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