On 9/28/19 2:11 AM, Mark Raynsford wrote:
create table core.users (
user_idchar (16) for bit data not null,
user_password_hash_algovarchar (64) not null,
user_password_hash varchar (64) not null,
user_email varchar (128) not null,
user_display_name varchar (128) not null,
user_lockedboolean not null,
constraint user_id_key primary key (user_id),
constraint user_id_nonzero check (user_id !=
cast('\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0' as char(16) for bit data)),
constraint user_display_name_unique unique (user_display_name))
Hi Mark,
The SQL Standard syntax for BINARY literals is a little odd. It is
For instance:
For more information, please see the description of the CHAR datatype in
the Derby Reference Manual:
The following table definition works for me:
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;create=true';
create table core.users
user_id char (16) for bit data not null,
user_password_hash_algo varchar (64) not null,
user_password_hash varchar (64) not null,
user_email varchar (128) not null,
user_display_name varchar (128) not null,
user_locked boolean not null,
constraint user_id_key primary key (user_id),
constraint user_id_nonzero check (user_id !=
constraint user_display_name_unique unique (user_display_name)
Hope this helps,