Hi Ahmad,
Sorry for the late reply.
So, my comments:
I'd still like Headings to be Sans and the text Serif, or vice versa. I'm
not alone in this idea -- using a different font for headings and for body
text is a common practice. There are websites dedicated to font pairings,
and the use of these pairings is why OOXML themes let the user choose a
font for headings and a different font for body text.
I'm a bit concerned about centering table contents. Centered text is
generally harder to read and can get in the way if you have to compare
data. I'd rather they were left-aligned (right-aligned for RTL languages,
of course).
In general, I'd like styles to be relative, not hard-coded. That means that
the Heading style should hold the font family, for example, not each
individual heading. I now also realize why the LibreOffice styles used
decimal point values -- the headings were saved as percentages, which, come
to think of it, isn't a bad idea.
I'm still not entirely happy with the headings. As I said earlier, I'd
prefer if superior headings weren't lighter than subordinate headings (i.e.
Heading 3 shouldn't be lighter than Heading 5) and I'd like there to be
some differentiation between heading 7-10.
I'd also like the subtitle to be lighter.

Here's something more along the lines of what I'd imagine:
http://ubuntuone.com/4Ng8kwHYlwY3Cs32cEr2y2 . (There are a few more
elements used in the document, remove them for a direct comparison.)

On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 6:08 PM, Ahmad Hussein Al-Harthi <
aalhar...@kacst.edu.sa> wrote:

>  Hi,
> Please see the new templates at:
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/a/a1/Templates.tar.bz2
> I've made two versions Serif and Sans-Serif, please have a look at them
> and give me your feedback.
> The files are documents to show how things will look, but not the original
> templates.
> Changes:
> 1. Headings set to whole numbers.
> 2. Different heading weights, and no light colours for headings
> 3. Table items centred
> Note: There is no consideration for headings lower than 6 ( I believe we
> should remove them )
>       Ahmad
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