Some more aggregated stats:

People who say that they use shortcuts (n=182) respond the next question about 
removing clipboard buttons with
Yes     96      53%
Yes, but keep paste visible     28      16%
No      56      31%

the others (54 in total) agree with
Yes     19      35%
Yes, but keep paste visible     11      20%
No      24      44%

People the prefer the toolbar for highlighting (n=185) say to remove the icons
Yes     44      24%
No      127     69%
I don't know what you are talking about         13      7%

in contrast to all other methods (n=62)
Yes     37      71%
No      10      19%
I don't know what you are talking about         5       10%

Generalized, we have about 70% agreement on clipboard update and only 25% for 
highlight when its used via toolbar (maybe this is biased by the confusion of  
paragraph vs text highlight).

On Wednesday 29 October 2014, 17:50:29 Jay Philips wrote:
> Here are the results of the toolbar survey regarding the clipboard and
> paragraph background color.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:      Results about LO toolbar configuration
> Date:         Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:03:20 +0000
> From:         Heiko Tietze <>
> Organization:         User Prompt GmbH
> To:
> CC:
> Hi all,
> here come the results from the short survey for discussion this
> afternoon (6pm UTC). Jay, cloud you please forward the email. I don't
> have all the addresses right now.
> *What is your preferred method for clipboard operations (copy, cut, paste)?
> *Main menu (edit > cut/copy/paste)     3     1%
> Context menu (right click)     32     14%
> Toolbar buttons     19     8%
> Shortcuts (ctrl + X/C/V, or ctrl/shift+insert resp.)     182     77%
> *Do you agree with hiding of clipboard functions from the toolbar?
> *Yes     117     49%
> Yes, but keep paste visible     39     16%
> No     81     34%
> *What is your preferred method to change the text highlight color and
> paragraph background color?
> *Toolbar buttons     185     78%
> Properties dialog via context menu (right click > character/paragraph)
>     16     7%
> Properties dialog via main menu (format > character/paragraph)     6     3%
> I change the character or paragraph style     16     7%
> I don't use these features     14     6%
> *Do you agree with hiding the paragraph background color button in the
> toolbar?
> *Yes     81     34%
> No     138     58%
> I don't know what you are talking about     18     8%

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