Hello all,

FYI: because I felt this way of communication inside the project lacked
the necessary respect for the volunteer work done for about seven years
during spare time, I stopped my work for the project and the website
with immidiate effect. I was never included in any discussion about the
site before this thread (or better threat) was started. I think this is
a behavior that is not appropriate to an open source project that define
itself as open and transparent.

Thus the extensions and templates website is not maintained since three
weeks yet. I will only spend my spare time for tasks where I get in
return respectful treatment and honest feedback.

Kind regards,

Am 11.10.18 um 14:58 schrieb Bjoern Michaelsen:

> Hello Design Team,
> as you might be aware, the user experience of our extension and template
> website causes users a lot of concern[1]. This is despite volunteer efforts
> trying to move this forward, but stalling due to limited resources, which led
> to TDF even attempting to get commercial support for Plone[2] to augment the
> the limited volunteer ressources available. The latter did not help to
> meaningfully improve the situation either.
> So as all current efforts there are stalled, I looked around for alternative
> solutions to our usecase -- which is hosting auxiliary content for LibreOffice
> consumers. We already have a platform that does that, which is 
> ask.libreoffice.org.
> ask.libreoffice.org already allows uploading of templates as attachments to
> questions, so it can already be used for templates. Doing so (e.g. by posting 
> a
> self-answered question) is possible, but not exactly intuitive. However, 
> askbot
> also provides:
> - various logins including OAuth etc. (which currently is a hassle on Plone)
> - distributed moderation and gamification (which currently is a bottleneck on 
> Plone)
> - better discoveribility, tagging and social media integration
> - markdown, mini-wiki and discussion of content
> - multi-language support
> That is, the experience for template creators and consumers is already much 
> better
> on askbot than it is on the current extension and templates website, which is
> stalled and currently has no clear path to even get to a experience comparable
> with askbot -- let alone beyond.
> As such, I would like to suggest the design team to investigate, if it is 
> feasable:
> - to extend askbots existing UI to offer uploading of templates
>   (well, technically that is already possible: This is just about making the
>   usecase more obvious to users, e.g. with a guided "templates upload wizard")
> - to extend askbots configuration to also allow .oxt files as uploads and 
> offer
>   the same for extensions
> - finally, use e.g. tags to provide a "template" or "extension" view of
>   ask.libreoffice.org
> Unlike the rather limited successes we had with Plone, TDF sucessfully 
> triggered
> improvements of askbot in the past[3], so given some well-scoped choices and
> selections made by the design team wrt askbot could help guide the same in the
> future.
> Best,
> Bjoern
> [1] Seen e.g. by:
>     a/ repeated cries for help on twitter, some examples:
>        https://twitter.com/nimbleslides/status/1020899933161848832
>        https://twitter.com/FloraCanou/status/1020517686453735424
>     b/ currently no presentation templates being offered there, despite this
>        being the most common use case:
> https://extensions.libreoffice.org/templates?getCategories=Presentation&getCompatibility=any
>        and massive template collections actually being hosted elsewhere e.g.:
>        https://github.com/dohliam/libreoffice-impress-templates
> [2] see entry for 2016-02-18 on 
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/BoD_Decisions
> [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Askbot

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