Amazing, being able to have the veracrypt-compatible workflow by default in
GNOME is a great thing.

I remember reading an idea on the gnome-shell mailing list here
There was also a very long discussion about the format dialog for nautilus
in bugzilla <>. It would
be cool to be able to choose between LUKS and TCRYP when creating a new
encrypted pendrive.


2018-06-19 6:15 GMT-04:00 segfault <>:

> (Resending this because my first email awaits moderator approval,
> because I was not a member of this list)
> Hi,
> this is about the ongoing effort to integrate support for TCRYPT
> (TrueCrypt-compatible and VeraCrypt) volumes in GNOME. It will allow
> GNOME users to use the platform-independent TCRYPT format in the same
> way as the already well integrated LUKS format.
> For more information about this see the blueprint [1] and the thread on
> the gtk-devel-list [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> (see also replies in February)
> We have added support to unlock TCRYPT volumes in libblockdev, udisks,
> and finally via GNOME Disks.
> All of those were merged already.
> As a follow-up, I created merge requests to add VeraCrypt support in:
>  - GLib
>  - GVfs
>  - GNOME Shell
> requests/126
> The purpose of this new set of merge requests is to allow users to also
> unlock TCRYPT volumes via the GVfs udisks volume monitor. This monitor
> opens a modal dialog in GNOME Shell when an encrypted device is
> attached, in order to allow the user to unlock it. GNOME already
> provides this useful feature to LUKS users and we want to make it
> available to TCRYPT users as well.
> I also created a merge request for GTK+:
> The purpose of this patch is to display file containers (both unlocked
> and locked, but already attached to a loop device) in the
> GtkPlacesSidebar. The reason for this is that, according to our survey
> [3], a lot of TCRYPT users (76%) use file containers, so they would
> benefit from the containers being available in the places sidebar
> (similarly to encrypted removable devices).
> [3]
> We've conducted moderated user testing of the current state of our work,
> which validated our approach. It also helped us identify a couple areas
> that would benefit from some polishing. But we don't think these issues
> are blockers to merge our work before the upcoming feature freeze and we
> have time allocated to implement these improvements in time for the
> GNOME 3.29 string freeze.
> Cheers!
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