>> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 12:30 AM, Ali Sabil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> I 
>> personally think that keeping svn, and maintaining bzr-mirror, git-mirror,
>> and hopefully an hg-mirror would make everyone happy. All of bzr, hg and git
>> provide a mean to interop with svn, while there is not always a way to
>> interop between the various DRCS that people tend to prefer, so maybe
>> sticking with svn for now would be the right choice ?

On 10/29/08, John Carr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As much as I personally agree with the sentiment, unfortunately
>  git-svn is just not as mature and useful as bzr-svn. While you can
>  just 'bzr push' like we already had bzr.gnome.org all along, git-svn
>  has rules and limitations on what does and doesnt work (and maybe what
>  is and isnt safe to try and do...)


git-svn is a very limited tool, and should really be used in a
transitional phase or if the project is not moving away from svn at
all, really. Since the point is to move to a newer system so that the
project can provide a richer history, better branching, easier
maintenance, etc, then keeping svn and having people use *-svn tools
to push to it from whatever vcs they prefer is not really helping that

I gather that what we want is to have richer features so that 1)
developers have an easier job of maintaining modules, 2) it's easier
to track problems, 3) easier to experiment with new code, easier
branching and merging, 4) easier for sysadmins to maintain. Then, what
we need to do is ask the people that use it actively to say which vcs
they prefer, and then choose the one that is most aligned with what
the majority of people need, the one that makes their job easier.
Discussing which one is best is irrelevant in this scenario, imho.

Obviously it won't be consensual, but it won't certainly be worse than
the current situation, since a lot of people that use the repository
are not actually using svn anymore anyway.

andreia gaita
mono hacker
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