+1 for Will's comments.
First, Webkit needs strong accessibility foundation before moving onto 
advanced features like ARIA. While ARIA spec has reached its maturity, 
the user interaction model did not, and, I am afraid, we would not have 
answers for certain user interaction questions if asked right now.

Willie Walker wrote:
> Hi All:
> Just my 2 cents here:
> I would definitely object to WebKit being the de facto rendering engine 
> if it did not support accessibility.  In addition, as WebKit 
> accessibility work is done, I recommend looking at the existing AT-SPI 
> implementation done in Gecko as a potential model for how the document 
> model can be represented via AT-SPI -- it was developed with real world 
> experience.  Furthermore, I would also recommend collaborating with 
> assistive technologies along the way, making sure design decisions are 
> actually workable solutions.  Finally, if it has not already been done, 
> I would suggest that the keyboard navigation model be nailed down -- 
> mouseless users need to be able to fully navigate web pages, cut/paste 
> content, etc.
> For ARIA, I agree that basic accessibility integration for web content 
> is a higher priority.  This does not mean, however, that ARIA support 
> should not be included in the plans.  My hope is that Maciej really 
> meant "we will look at basic accessibility integration first and ARIA 
> next" instead of "ARIA is an interesting toy and we won't support it."  ;-)
> For yelp, I'm comforted that the team is targeting an accessible 
> solution for GNOME 2.24: 
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=499744.  This will help give 
> our users much needed access to help and not require them to wait for 
> WebKit a11y to emerge.
> Will
> On Apr 1, 2008, at 6:32 PM, Eitan Isaacson wrote:
>> On Tue, 2008-04-01 at 16:37 -0400, David Bolter wrote:
>>> Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>>>> 4) Accessibility. This is only implemented in the Mac port currently.
>>>> We are moving the core accessibility code to be cross-platform, which
>>>> should make it fairly straightforward to hook it up to ATK or other
>>>> accessibility APIs. Sometimes ARIA is mentioned in the context of
>>>> accessibility - this is an interesting technology for future web apps,
>>>> but I believe basic accessibility integration for web content is a
>>>> higher priority.
>>> This wording "Sometimes ARIA is mentioned in the context of
>>> accessibility - this is an interesting technology for future web apps"
>>> doesn't seem quite right to me. ARIA enabled browsers such as Firefox
>>> provide access to ARIA enabled DHTML applications today. Opera and IE8
>>> are adding support today. Google is putting ARIA into its web 
>>> applications.
>> I agree with David. ARIA is becoming a major component in any accessible
>> web application. It's not something in the distant future. It would be
>> premature to crown webkit as the GNOME engine for all purposes until
>> this is properly addressed. Nonetheless, for basic document viewing,
>> like Yelp, Webkit could be a good solution, providing it has accessible
>> structured document support.
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