Hey guys.

> > It is second class I don't think there is any point in whitewashing
> > it.  Whether or not you get something that barely works has everything
> > to do with how much attention it gets in design, development, and
> > testing.  If you want to use something for a fallback that won't
> > really get any of those three it had better be simple as hell.  And
> > ban any complexity that does not provide essential functionality.
> Last week I got the impression that you were proposing the removal of
> gnome-applets (and Orca) because of a lack of manpower required to bring
> them up to GNOME 3.0 standard and port to GTK+ 3.

So about Orca.... :-)

1. Most of what Orca does is provide access. It has very few GUI 
   components of its own, but still does a lot of (unseen) work to
   present the current environment to the user.

2. We would be happy to do what needs to be done to make Orca's very
   few GUI components more GNOME 3.0ish.

3. We are about to do the port to GTK+ 3.

In fact, the GNOME 3.0 work will be supported by the AndalucĂ­an

And in general we're still working quite hard -- I'd argue extremely
hard -- on Orca's support for applications and toolkits.

That we've been placed in the same category as the applets makes me
wonder if Ale and I should be seeking a new home for the project. Doing
so would sadden me as I care tremendously about GNOME. But if that is
the decision that has been made by the Powers That Be, it would be nice
to have an official heads-up.

Please advise. Thanks.

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