## Description:
 - The Apache Accumulo sorted, distributed key/value store is a robust,
   scalable, high performance data storage system that features cell-based
   access control and customizable server-side processing.  It is based on
   Google's BigTable design and is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper,
   and Thrift.

## Issues:
 - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time.

## Activity:
 - The last release was 1.9.3 on Apr 9 2019 [1].
 - The community continues to march toward the 2.0.0 release.  This includes
   closing old issues on Jira and moving still relevant issues to github
 - The monthly "Hack Day" continues in Columbia MD.  There was nothing of
   note posted from the May meeting, but a summary of June's meeting is at
   [2].  There was a meeting on Jul 10, but no notes from that yet.

## Health report:
 - The project remains healthy.  Activity levels on mailing lists, issues
   pull requests remain constant.

## PMC changes:
 - Currently 34 PMC members.
 - No new PMC members added in the last 3 months
 - Last PMC addition was Nick Felts on Thu Mar 22 2018

## Committer base changes:
 - All Committers are also PMC members, see the PMC Changes section for

## Releases:
 - accumulo-1.9.3 was released on Wed Apr 10 2019

## Mailing list activity:
 - Nothing significant in the figures

## Issue activity:
 - 86 issues created [3] and 70 closed [4] across all the Accumulo repos
   since the last report.
 - 134 pull requests created [5] and 135 closed [6] across all the Accumulo
   repos since the last report.

[1]: https://accumulo.apache.org/release/accumulo-1.9.3/

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