Hi Accumulo Devs,

I spent a few minutes today updating the roles in our JIRA project.

Although we don't use JIRA anymore for new issues, there are still a
few old tickets that remain, that are slowly being triaged and closed
as work continues. Some of our new committers didn't have access to
close some of those JIRA issues, because we had been manually
maintaining a list of users with access as we voted people in and
asked for access. However, now that JIRA uses LDAP, it's much easier
to maintain access to JIRA without manual effort. I set this up by
assigning JIRA roles based on their corresponding LDAP group
memberships. So, as long as you sign in to JIRA using your Apache user
ID, you should have the correct accesses.

The LDAP groups and their corresponding roles in the ACCUMULO JIRA
project are now:

accumulo -> Committers
accumulo-pmc -> PMC

Since all our PMC members are also committers, we all have the same
In addition, the ASF-maintained bots have the Contributors role.

I removed all other individual entries that had been added manually,
as they aren't needed anymore.


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