Docker Hub supports building in two ways:

1. Branch name
2. Tagging

A combination of the two could be effective.

Since they will live in separate branches, option 1 of building on any commit 
to that branch is a straightforward. However, building on any/every commit to a 
branch can lead to unstable builds, with no "official" release. This can be 
useful for dev/test environments. But when an official release is needed, 
that's where tagging can come in.

Because there are breaking changes between PG12 and PG11, one idea could be 
using semantic versioning, where official releases are given a `11.x.x` or 
`12.x.x` tag. Those tags on Docker Hub would point to 11/12 folders with 
Dockerfiles specifically for that version of PG/AGE.

There are other ways using Github Actions, as outlined here, but they can be a bit more convoluted.

Nick Sorrell

From: Josh Innis <>
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2022 9:07 AM
To: <>
Subject: [DISCUSS] How Docker can support multiple versions of Postgres

Hello All,

We are currently working on the Postgres 12 version of AGE and nearing
completion. However there is an issue with the Dockerfile. The line:

FROM postgres:11

in the Dockerfile obviously needs to change for Postgres 12, however we
still want to support Postgres 11. Given that the different versions will
be in separate branches, what is a good way to approach this problem?

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