
Just wanted to do a short update on RC5 status. We had 8 (!) blockers, but the 
good news they are either fixed or a patch is available. The patches are in 
need of a review, so it would be appreciated if some of the committers can make 
some time available to do so. Please note that while reviewing, build errors 
are expected due to ldap3 and psycopg2 lib issues. In case no build is 
available due to throttling on Travis, please check on the user’s 
GitHub/Travis. Usually, it is available there.

To be reviewed:

[AIRFLOW-931] Do not set QUEUED in TaskInstances 
(https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/2127). This fixes with tasks 
getting stuck when concurrency has been reached. Might also solve sporadic 
double triggering of tasks.
[AIRFLOW-941] Use defined parameters for psycopg2 
(https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/2126). Work around regression 
in psycopg2 2.7.0
[AIRFLOW-932] Do not mark tasks removed when backfilling 
(https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/2122). Make sure not to 
remove tasks when only seeing a sub set of tasks of a DAG.
[AIRFLOW-910] Use parallel task execution in backfills 
(https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/2107). Make task execution 
concurrent in backfills and make runs deterministic removing sporadic deadlocks.
[AIRFLOW-900] Double triggered task should not kill original task 
(https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/2102). Kill the right task 
when we are double triggering.

* Skipped operations make DAG finish prematurely
* Setting a task to running manually breaks a DAGs UI
* (Named)HivePartitionSensor broken if hook attr not set
* Can't mark non-existent tasks as successful from graph view


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