
When running the tests with --with-xunitmp (or --with-xunit if not doing parallel) it should create some nosetests.xml output files.

Then in Jenkins, set up a Publish JUnit Reports step, with a file pattern of "**/nosetests.xml" Then it should produce those tests results in jenkins.


On 12/3/20 1:02 PM, Vrinda A M (RBEI/EMT2) wrote:
Hi Dave,

Thank you! We are able to now run the build and tests with the configurations 
you have provided.

One point that is not clear is the configuration of the 'Latest Test Result' 
with the consolidated report of all tests run on the platform.

Can you please let me know how this test report can be configured?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Brondsema <d...@brondsema.net>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 1:25 AM
To: dev@allura.apache.org; Vrinda A M (RBEI/EMT2) <vrind...@in.bosch.com>
Subject: Re: CI for Allura


Here's basically what is configured on

Have an "execute shell" step with:

# need to specify the shell, else Jenkins will quit after the first non-zero exit rm -rf 
virtualenv .allura-venv
. .allura-venv/bin/activate
git clean -f -x  # remove test.log, nosetest.xml etc (don't use -d since it'd 
remove our venv dir) pip install -r requirements.txt pip install nose-xunitmp 
./rebuild-all.bash npm install
LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ./run_tests --with-xunitmp retcode=$?
exit $retcode

And a publish junit reports step, with file pattern "**/nosetests.xml"

I am not sure about a webhook exactly, the jenkins configs I've set up just 
poll SCM.  But you could probably find some online examples of how to do it, 
since that is a general git + jenkins thing, not limited to Allura.

The Docker config for allura is designed for development or a production setup with local 
source code files.  That is, right now the Dockerfile won't build an image that includes the 
code.  I think it would need an "ADD" line, might not be too hard to do.  Let us 
know if you try it out.  But also allura needs multiple docker images to fully run.  Web 
& taskd maybe could run off of the same image.
   But there's also solr, mongo and likely mail handling, so I'm not sure how 
useful a Docker image of just allura would be.


On 11/11/20 7:49 AM, Vrinda A M (RBEI/EMT2) wrote:

I would like to setup continuous integration, testing and deployment of Allura 
in Jenkins. Can you please give me some hints on what needs to be configured in 
Also what should be configured in the webhook of Allura project so that a build 
is triggered each time a push happens on the master branch?

Can a docker image be created after the build goes through? If so, do I need to 
make any configurations in the docker-compose.yml file?


Dave Brondsema : d...@brondsema.net
 : personal
 : programming

Dave Brondsema : d...@brondsema.net
http://www.brondsema.net : personal
http://www.splike.com : programming

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