iframe refresh failed in ambari web

2018-04-10 Thread xiang . dai
I add a custom view to show something with iframe like below: js: var App = require('app'); App.CustomView = Em.View.extend({ tagName: "iframe", classNames: ["views_sizes"], attributeBindings: ['src','height','seamless','allowfullscreen'], seamless: "seamless", height: "500px",

Ambari Repo and final tar.gz creation

2018-04-10 Thread Avinash Dongre
Hi All, How is final tar ball and repo tar is created using Ambari build process. For example how is ambari- is created. Is there a separate build process or can be done using maven. Thanks Avinash

how to define status() for service

2018-04-10 Thread xiang . dai
Hi! I am testing a simple script like below: def install(self, env): print 'install' def start(self, env): print 'start' def stop(self, env): print 'stop' def status(self, env): print 'status' It can install and start, but it can not stop as expected and print "wait actual stop".

Re: how to define status() for service

2018-04-10 Thread xiang . dai
Just raise ComponentIsNotRunning() to report service not running, Thanks. - Original Message - From: "xiang dai" To: dev@ambari.apache.org Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 10:28:32 AM Subject: how to define status() for service Hi! I am testing a simple script