Hi all,

on a open document I change the content of some macros by the API with
java. I can see the changes if I open the document macros with the
basic-IDE, but I need to click and insert a white space somewhere
before the changed macro content is noticed by the Basic-Engine.

Here is the snipped of the relevant part.

protected void updateScripts(XComponent doc) {

 try {
       XPropertySet docProperties = (XPropertySet)
       UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XPropertySet.class,doc);

      Object obj = docProperties.getPropertyValue("BasicLibraries");
       XLibraryContainer2 libraryContainer = (XLibraryContainer2)
       UnoRuntime .queryInterface(XLibraryContainer2.class, obj); 
      String[] libs = libraryContainer.getElementNames();
     for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) {
       Object libObject =  libraryContainer.getByName(libs[i]); 
       //first remove
       libraryContainer.removeLibrary(libs[i]); //create new 

        //update this library
        XNameAccess libraryContainer = (XNameAccess) UnoRuntime

     // edit the content here
    //re-create the library 
    XNameContainer con =libraryContainer.createLibrary(libs[i]); 

     //add all modules again to this container 
  } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception e) {


So I need to force a refresh or a reload of the script-part of the
document, that the basic-engine notice the updated content. I found a
solution for reloading a document on the list-archive:

XModel.attachResource(String url,PropertyValue[] mediaDescriptor);
and then dispatch ".uno:Reload", but does not work, but there was 
announced a reloading mechanism for OpenOffice 2.0.

Will this help or  are there other solution?

Best Regards,



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