
I cannot say anything related to the question as I don't know the subject
but it needs to be merged in a 4.x branch if it's a breaking change.


On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 9:38 AM Guohao Wang <wangguohao.2...@gmail.com>

> hi team
> Background
> As we all know, APISIX supports loading specific SSL certificates through
> TLS extension SNI to support https. What achieves this is APISIX's SSL
> resource definition.
> However, there are three fields in the SSL resource definition that can be
> removed. The information read by these three words is self-contained in the
> certificate itself and does not require additional storage. Additional
> storage will bring additional overhead and you need to ensure that this
> information is correct.
> ```
> _M.ssl = {
>     type = "object",
>     properties = {...
>         exptime = {
>             type = "integer",
>             minimum = 1588262400,  -- 2020/5/1 0:0:0
>         },
> ...
>         validity_end = timestamp_def,
>         validity_start = timestamp_def,
> ```
> Result
> So I plan to remove the exptime, validity_end, validity_start fields from
> the SSL resource definition.
> Best Regards
> guohao.wang

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