On 5 Jun 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   As discussed on [EMAIL PROTECTED] - add a comment about the assert/checking
>   input debate.  Our policy is "don't check input values."  Feel free
>   to change the wording.  It's something, but we've had two longish
>   threads in the last day about this...

Doh, you beat me to it.  Gotta love that "up-to-date check failed"
commit error.  =-)  Anyway, this looks fine to me.  I was going to take
more of a list-ified approach (I admit it, I'm a listaholic), something
like this:

      We also have very high expectations for code quality, and to us this
      means following these otherwise-undocumented coding policies:
        <LI>Avoid the use of excessive static buffers
        <LI>Use the memory pool mechanism to ensure proper cleanup
        <LI>Write thread-safe code
        <LI>We expect one or two levels of optimizations to be applied: Is a
            bitmask faster for this?  Is a strchr() faster than an index()? Etc.
        <LI>Parameter checking is generally unnecessary (we prefer for the
            code to segfault in these cases as it makes for easier debugging)
        <LI>Assertions are not needed in fatal conditions that would result in 
            immediate segfault anyway
      This list is not an exclusive one; it'd be nice if all of the group's
      policies were documented, but they're not yet.  We'll add them here as
      they come up.

But I'm perfectly fine with leaving the way you've done it.  Thanks.


   Cliff Woolley
   Charlottesville, VA

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