I like archiva, it does what I want in terms of repository functions

But, search is not working for me - tried reinstalling a number of times.....

I would rather not write my own search of the repo directories.

I tried building from src the 2.2.4 tgz file and 2.2.3 git version.

I would like to build and try to fix the search in my environment.

I can provide details if needed.
Basically, I unzipped apache-archiva-2.2.4-src.zip and ran ./t7.sh, also tried 
mvn clean install.
And I downloaded the git src and tried mvn clean install.
result: build failure and empty wars.
 - rhel7 openjdk version "1.8.0_212"

Thanks, Joe Edwards
UWMC, ITS, Senior Software Engineer

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