
Just wanted to give an update on how the website build works.

ASF uses a few different technologies.  The latest is "gitwcsub" which
looks for changes in a git repo and publishes those as a static website.
To do that you can use any technology to build the website, but use some
known naming conventions for the website structure.

Master is used for the source code of the website.  The
builds the actual static content into the HTML/JS using jekyll.  I borrowed
the script structure from OpenWhisk who is using the same exact idea on
jekyll.  The build does pull in rvm and has to use a separate environment
for jekyll gems.

The jenkins job that does the polling for commits in master is at .
 it runs on special nodes that have permissions to push to your
repositories.  I've created an asf-site branch that you should not commit
to directly.

I've created an infra ticket to get the website up and running, so
hopefully within a few hours will
start working.


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