I have just provided a patch to upgrade the first itests to pax exam 3 (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARIES-1184). While doing this upgrade I had some problems with the test support project and with the parent poms.

The pax exam version is set in the parent pom and the test support project depends on pax exam. So I was not able to use the test support project with the new pax exam version. I also had to override the pax exam version as I did not want to do any changes in the parent pom.

Now I am looking into a patch to make the test support work with pax exam 3. Initially I thought about upgrading the classes to work with pax exam 3. I am not sure if this is such a good idea though as the different aries projects may want to work with different pax exam versions while still use the test support in the newest version. To avoid this problem I propose to remove the pax exam dependency from the test support project

This would mean to remove the ExtraOptions class and switch the AbstractIntegrationtest to use javax.inject which should be stable from now on. With these changes we can remove the pax exam dependency from test support and so have less potential for conflicts. I think the ExtraOptions should not be necessary with pax exam 3 as it has a good fluent builder for what we need already.

I also propose to remove the ArchiveFixture class and use TinyBundles instead which should have all necessary features.

As a last change I propose to remove the pax exam dependencies from the new parent pom. So itest projects have the freedom to choose a different verision of pax exam each.

So what do you think about these changes. If they are ok for the community I will open an issue and provide a patch. I then also plan to migrate some more itest projects.

Best regards

Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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