Matei Zaharia just spoke at the AMPlab seminar [1], and showed a couple of 
slides about Weld. In the video of the day [2], his talk starts at 4:05:00, and 
he starts talking about Weld at 4:28:30.

The essence is an intermediate language for row-level expressions, with the 
ability to do limited iteration, with the goal of making it easier to pass data 
between UDFs written in different languages. Sounds familiar? I would presume 
that an implementation of the language would be strongly tied to a memory 
format. Or maybe it allows multiple possible implementations, one of which 
would be Arrow in Java.

The slide listed Pandas as one of the supported front ends, so I wondered if 
Wes knew something about the project.

I have been thinking of doing something similar in the Calcite / Drill / Arrow 
world. In Calcite we have RexNodes as an expression language, and we have a 
Java code generator that can target data represented as Java arrays, and 
another variant that can target data represented as Java structs. Drill of 
course has a code generator that can target data in Arrow. I have been thinking 
for a while of abstracting the code generators so that the person implementing, 
say, the Filter+Project for “select x + y … where x > 5” doesn’t have to get 
their hands dirty with code generation. There are a lot of optimizations to be 
done, e.g. remembering that you’ve already made sure that x is not null.



[2] <>

> On Nov 19, 2016, at 4:31 AM, Donald Foss <> wrote:
> Did you find that at 
> <>  That’s the only thing I can find via 
> Google about it.  Do you have more detail or a link to the paper itself?  I 
> get the feeling that it is not yet fully complete despite 21 November 
> camera-ready CIDR 2017 deadline.
> For those who aren’t familiar with CIDR, it is a conference that occurs every 
> other year.  This year’s agenda/program may be found at 
> <>.  CIDR is not an acronym for 
> network subnet masks—the first thing I thought of, Classless Inter Domain 
> Routing, but Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, which focuses 
> primarily on systems.  I hate to admit this, but I’m unfamiliar with the 
> conference, however that appears that it is because I’ve been out of academia 
> for far too long, and this conference seems to be the presentation of quite a 
> few interesting papers.  Just judging by title, a poor, yet humorous judge 
> indeed, I like:
> - “Dependency-Driven Analytics: A Compass for Uncharted Data Oceans” (Donald 
> - Why just data lakes when you can have data oceans?)
> - “My Weak Consistency is Strong” (Donald - Great title, reminds me of Star 
> Wars and the “Force”)
> - “SPOOF: Sum-Product Optimization and Operator Fusion for Large-Scale 
> Machine Learning” (Donald - Another brilliant backronym.)
> The Weld paper is the last paper to be presented on 10 January 2017 between 
> 2:30 and 4:05 (UTC-8).
> On a side note, looking down that page a little, I love the title of the last 
> paper in 2016, Yggdrasil: An Optimized System for Training Deep Decision 
> Trees at Scale 
> <>.  When I see 
> Yggdrasil, the first thing I think of is a really big tree and Norse 
> mythology.  It’s a great name.  I’m going to read some of his other papers 
> this weekend.
> Donald Foss
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>> On Nov 18, 2016, at 4:42 PM, Julian Hyde <> wrote:
>> Anyone know anything about Matei Zaharia’s Weld project?
>>      • S. Palkar, J. Thomas, A. Shanbhag, H. Pirk, M. Schwarzkopf, S. 
>> Amarasinghe and M. Zaharia. Weld: A Common Runtime for High Performance Data 
>> Analytics, to appear at CIDR 2017.
>> It seems to have similar goals to Arrow.
>> Julian

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