It seems that this is not a correct usage of semver and that we should
release the link to 0.23.0 as 0.10.0. Given the mesos deprecation cycle
described in that ticket, 0.22.0 would be compatible with 0.21.0. IMO a
patch release should never break compatibility with versions that the
previous patch version worked with - it should be for things like
showstopper security or reliability bugs.

I'd be +1 to releasing a 0.10.0 that contains only the patch changing our
link target to 0.23.0 and pushing our next "feature release" to 0.11.0.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 3:49 PM Zameer Manji <> wrote:

> Hey,
> As I brought up on today's IRC meeting
> <> we have a bit of a problem
> in AURORA-1503 <> and
> some
> discussion is required to figure out what we need to do.
> Since Aurora 0.9.0 was released the Mesos release cadence has increased to
> about one a month, while keeping their deprecation policy to be -1/+1.
> Aurora 0.9.0 was released against Mesos 0.22 which means Aurora 0.9.0 will
> work against Mesos 0.23 but not Mesos 0.24.
> The scenario means our users are not able to update to Mesos 0.24 (or
> later) if they are running Aurora 0.9.0. The deprecation policy also means
> we also need to carefully think about which versions of Mesos we release
> against.
> I'm proposing we do the following:
>    - Release 0.9.1 which is 0.9.0 linked against Mesos 0.23. This will
>    allow our users to upgrade their clusters to Mesos 0.24 in the short
> term.
>    Mesos 0.23 is also compatible with Mesos 0.22 meaning existing users
> should
>    not be impacted.
>    - Assuming we do the above, we release the next major version of Aurora
>    against Mesos 0.24. This provides a smooth upgrade path from 0.9.x to
>    0.10.x.
> What are our thoughts on this?
> --
> Zameer Manji

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