Thanks for the kind words Rick!

It's great to hear that the work we've done here has been so well received and has helped you folks get to where you all wanted to go.

This project is definitely something special and as we transition to the next chapter, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on that.

I've been so fortunate as to have been introduced to it around 2015 when I was still a grad student. Along with Mesos, Aurora served as the spark that eventually led me to a PhD dissertation and to a full time job at PayPal.

At PayPal, Aurora has served as an immensely solid foundational bedrock for our internal product. At the same time many folks involved with this project have become pivotal mentors for me for which I'm very thankful.

So thanks to all involved with this project now or in the past and here's to the next chapter!


On 2/7/20 1:29 PM, Rick Mangi wrote:
I just want to thank everybody who's put in so much work on this project
over the past (5?) years. We're a very small team here but we found aurora
to be a great fit for us and we're still using it for most of our services.
It's been reliable, easy to customize and use. We haven't been able to help
out on the core project but we have a lot of custom components and
experience operating aurora that we hope will be helpful going forward. I
think being available as a non-apache project on github might turn out to
be a positive move for the future of aurora as people might feel more open
to committing to or forking it.

Either way, from all of us a Chartbeat, thank you to everybody who worked
on it so far. You've been a tremendous help to us.


On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 3:28 PM Renan DelValle <> wrote:


The vote to move the Apache Aurora project into the Attic has passed.

+1 (Binding)
Renan DelValle
Stephan Erb
Bill Farner
Mauricio Garavaglia
Dave Lester
John Sirois

+1 (Non-Binding)
Se Choi
Rick Mangi

There were no 0 or -1 votes. Thank you to all who voted.

I know it wasn't an easy vote to make but I hope to see you present in
this new iteration of the project.

As stated the project will be rebooted at
The home page of the reboot can be found at


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