Has anyone had issues with using avro-protobuf for google protobuf

Protobuf models I have, import google protobuf common models, timestamp is
one of them. Proto model for timestamp has following options defined.

option java_outer_classname = "TimestampProto";

option java_multiple_files = true;
That would mean that the generated code for Timestamp will be at
"com.google.protobuf.Timestamp" rather than

However, when I derive a avro schema from a proto model using google
timestamp, avro-protobuf is not honouring the java_multiple_files option
and tries to look for timestamp class at

If "getNamespace" of ProtobufData wasn't private, would have been trivial
by overriding that to handle above protobuf option

Is this worth raising a JIRA for or has anyone experienced this and handled
it in another way? Any help on this appreciated.

I was able to get it working by maintaining ProtobufData locally and
changing getNamespace implementation.



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