IMO returning the input PCollection in a PTransform should be a valid
albeit trivial use case. I have put a suggested fix for supporting
these kinds of transforms in the interactive runner here: . I'm also new to beam dev so
if there's something I'm missing please let me know :-)

On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 4:46 PM Robert Bradshaw <> wrote:
> Thanks for trying this out. Yes, this is definitely something that
> should be supported (and tested).
> On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 3:40 PM Igor Durovic <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > The interactive beam example using the DirectRunner fails after execution 
> > of the last cell. The recursion limit is exceeded during the calculation of 
> > the cache label because of a circular reference in the PipelineInfo object.
> >
> > The constructor for the PipelineInfo class creates a mapping from each 
> > pcollection to the transforms that produce and consume it. The issue arises 
> > when there exists a transform that is both a producer and a consumer for 
> > the same pcollection. This occurs when a transform's expand method returns 
> > the same pcoll object that's passed into it. The specific transform causing 
> > the failure of the example is MaybeReshuffle, which is used in the Create 
> > transform. Replacing "return pcoll" with "return pcoll | Map(lambda x: x)" 
> > seems to fix the problem.
> >
> > A workaround for this issue on the interactive beam side would be fairly 
> > simple, but it seems to me that there should be more validation of 
> > pipelines to prevent the use of transforms that return the same pcoll 
> > that's passed in, or at least a mention of this in the transform style 
> > guide. My understanding is that pcollections are produced by a single 
> > transform (they even have a field called "producer" that references only 
> > one transform). If that's the case then that property of pcollections 
> > should be enforced.
> >
> > I made ticket BEAM-8451 to track this issue.
> >
> > I'm still new to beam so I apologize if I'm fundamentally misunderstanding 
> > something. I'm not exactly sure what the next step should be and would 
> > appreciate some recommendations. I can submit a PR to solve the immediate 
> > problem of the failing example but the underlying problem should also be 
> > addressed at some point. I also apologize if people are already aware of 
> > this problem.
> >
> > Thank You!
> > Igor Durovic


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