On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Bruce D'Arcus wrote:

> My colleague David Wilson has posted the requirements
> he sees (though I've had time to look at them in depth), and I've
> noted that ZOOM may well provide a ready made API complete with
> freely available code.

I have posted the basic requirement (as I have able to conceive them so far) 
for two options. Option 1 is the way most 3rd party bibliographic 
applications work with word processors. I think this is how Zotero works with 
MS Word (I do not have MS Word to test it). 

Option 2 would provide a unified User Interface which could support plug-in 
bibliographic engines. It requires a lot more software building work on the 
WP side.

1. The Bibliographic Application handles the Citation management and citation 
selection. Each citation is pushed into the word processor document at the 
current cursor location via a command on the Bibliographic Application.

2. The Word Processor handles citation selection and optionally some the 
citation management functions. The reference list is requested from the 
Bibliographic Application, it is displayed on the WP using it own browser 
panel, and the user selects the citation(s) to be inserted from list.The WP 
then requests the formatted citation text from the Bibliographic Application 
for display. 


Comments and improvements to this wiki page are encouraged.

David N. Wilson
Co-Project Lead for the Bibliographic 
OpenOffice.org Project

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