We're voting on the source distributions available here:


The documentation generated for this release is available here:

The following changes were made since 1.4.13:

  * Change: Remove highline dependency.
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-682 - Fix the documentation for releasing using
            your own versioning scheme. Submitted by Jean-Philippe
  * Fixed:  BUILDR-681 - Stop empty projects creating target/webapp.
  * Change: Add dependency from generated jws client source directory
            to the source wsdl in the wsgen addon.
  * Fixed:  Fixed regression in gwt addon due to "pathing_jar"
            functionality in Java::Commands.java.
  * Change: Support disabling the new "pathing_jar" functionality in
            Java::Commands.java utility method. Required for tools
            that introspect the classpath.
  * Change: Update wsgen addon to generate source into a directory
            hierarchy based on maven conventions.
  * Fixed:  Fixed regression using transitive dependencies due to
            presence of :scope option in Artifacts.to_hash.
  * Fixed:  Fixed bug in GWT addon that required that the user supply
            the :dependencies option.
  * Fixed:  Fixed bug in Intellij project file generation when adding
            a web facet.

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