
Do you mind documenting how it can be configured in Spring XML also?

And please add a link to it from [Dead Letter Channel], in see also
and maybe a little {tip:}

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 10:21 PM,  <> wrote:
> Page Created : CAMEL : Stream caching
> Stream caching has been created by Gert Vanthienen (Mar 12, 2009).
> Content:
> Stream caching
> While stream types (like StreamSource, InputStream and Reader) are commonly
> used in messaging for performance reasons, they also have an important
> drawback: they can only be read once. In order to be able to work with
> message content multiple times, the stream needs to be cached.
> By default, streams are caching in memory. In Camel 2.0, large stream
> messages (over 64 Kb) will be cached in a temporary file instead – Camel
> itself will handle deleting the temporary file once the cached stream is no
> longer necessary.
> Using stream caching
> Implicitly enabled for multicast and dead letter channel
> Some EIPs require that the message content can be read multiple times.
> Stream caching will be automatically enabled when using these EIPs in your
> routes:
> Multicast will implicitly cache streams to ensure that all the endpoints can
> access the message content
> Dead Letter Channel uses stream caching to ensure that the message content
> can actually be read again when redelivering a message
> Explicitly configure stream caching
> In Apache Camel, you can explicitly enable stream caching in a route with
> the streamCaching DSL method:
> from("direct:a").streamCaching().to("mock:a");
> You can also enable it for all the routes in routebuilder:
> streamCaching();
> from("direct:b").to("mock:b");
> How it works?
> In order to determine if a type requires caching, we leverage the type
> converter feature. Any type that requires stream caching can be converted
> into an org.apache.camel.StreamCache instance.
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Claus Ibsen
Apache Camel Committer

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