
The type safe DSL for endpoint/component are now only generated once,
when you build their own module

This means that during building a component, eg camel-kafka then these
DSLs are not updated at this given time.

Instead we build for all components only once at a later stage.
This speeds up the build, and also makes it more simple.

And there are potential optimizations we can do because we know all
the components in total in the DSL to be built/updated.

This also makes it possible to easier exclude some specific components
based on a exclude list, so users can package their own Camel distro
with only what they need.

For example we can use this in our sub projects for spring boot /
quarkus / camel-k so it can generate its own DSL more easily. As
otherwise you will have 100% components in the vanilla DSL from the
core project, and our sub projects do not support all of them.

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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