[VOTE] Release Apache Camel 3.4.5 (LTS)

2020-12-19 Thread Gregor Zurowski
Hi Everyone: This is a vote to release Apache Camel 3.4.5, a new patch release for the 3.4.x LTS branch with 25 improvements and fixes. Release notes: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12348825=12311211 == Apache Camel 3.4.5 == Staging repository:

Apache Camel 2.25.3 Release

2020-12-19 Thread Claus Ibsen
Hi The 2.25.x branch is now also ready for cutting a new release. -- Claus Ibsen - http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2