I like the idea, think it’s a great way to attract new comers.. ( newcomer

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 9:13 AM, Benjamin Lerer <ble...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I would like to take the occasion of the month of December and of the
> holiday seasons to attract new contributors and to create more visibility
> for the project.
> I was thinking of creating some kind of Advent calendar on Twitter where we
> promote a simple ticket everyday for a newcomer to pickup. The ticket
> should have the main steps described and some mentor associated with it. If
> by the 1st of March the patch for the ticket has been committed the
> contributor will receive a special T-shirt as a gift.
> I will be happy to hear your opinion on this proposal,
> Benjamin


*Jogesh Anand*

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