Greetings. With the quality test epic discussion ongoing in another thread,
I have been inspired to freshen up some queries and write the first 4.0
status of the new year. It has been five weeks since the last update. Even
with the holidays in the interim, we’re seeing some good movement this

Jira board with 4.0 scope:

High level numbers by release phase:

Alpha: 0! (-1 from last update)

Beta: 22 (-42); 17 in-flight; Pursuant to a mailing list discussion, some
non-blocking tickets were moved to RC. Aside from that, a significant
number of in-flight beta tickets made it through review in recent weeks.
There are still a fair number in that phase. Big thanks to people working
through those.

RC: 37 (+16); (see above explanation)

Top-level metrics:
Total tickets in 4.0: 1511
Remaining tickets represent 3.9% of total scope

Created vs. resolved trended sharply positive:

Where you can help:

* There are deliciously few tickets left in beta fix versions. Any work
people can do on remaining blockers will accelerate the project toward RC.
There are a handful of bugs, and several PRs in need of review or merge.

* Ahead of the rest of our regular filter links, I’ll repeat the list of
flaky tests Scott called out in the other thread:
– CASSANDRA-16236: Fix flaky testTrackMaxDeletionTime
– CASSANDRA-16238: Fix flaky test
test_insert_data_during_replace_same_address -
– CASSANDRA-16239: Fix flaky test
– CASSANDRA-16317: Fix flaky test incompleteCommit -
– CASSANDRA-16355: Fix flaky test incompletePropose -
– CASSANDRA-16382: Fix flaky
– CASSANDRA-16358: Minor Flakiness in
– CASSANDRA-16229: Flaky jvm-dtest:
– CASSANDRA-16061:

… and now for the boilerplate board filter reminders:

* Each filter referenced below depends on accurate assignments in Jira. In
addition to actively assigning something you’re working on, it would also
be helpful to review and unassign (both Reviewer and Assignee) things that
you have assigned but may not be able to work on in the release timeline.
Here’s a query to check that for yourself:!%3D%20resolved)%20and%20(assignee%20%3D%20currentUser()%20or%20reviewer%20%3D%20currentUser()%20or%20reviewers%20%3D%20currentUser())%20

*Needs Reviewer:
2 Beta and 1 RC issues are awaiting review without reviewers.
Timely reviews here obviously keep things flowing, and help by keeping the
changes fresh in the patch contributor’s mind.

*No assignee:
2 Beta and 7 RC issues
Please take a look and see if it’s within your capacity to take any of
these on:

*Test analysis and shepherding. There is some more detailed discussion
about these in the other recent thread.

*Tickets stalled for a week:
6 beta, 19 GA

Please let us know on the thread if I have missed anything that needs
attention. I encourage anyone to respond to these reports calling attention
to any localized things that could use it.

As always thanks to everyone for the continued hard work on the project.

Adam Holmberg

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