Python recently made a switch to Github, and I was an interested onlooker. One 
thing I found relevant to Cassandra was a new tool added by Larry Hastings, 
called blurb (

> blurb is a tool designed to rid CPython core development of the scourge of 
> Misc/NEWS conflicts.
> The core concept: split Misc/NEWS into many separate files that, when 
> concatenated back together in 
> sorted order, reconstitute the original Misc/NEWS file. After that, Misc/NEWS 
> could be deleted from the
> CPython repo and thereafter rendered on demand (e.g. when building a 
> release). When checking in a ?
> change to CPython, the checkin process will write out a new file that sorts 
> into the correct place, using 
> a filename unlikely to have a merge conflict.

The CHANGES file strikes me as being a similar pain point. I think we could do 
with something like blurb for Cassandra. Blurb is, at the moment, very 
Python-centric, but I think it could be made more extensible and generic. 

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