Just went over the doc and I don’t see a real argument for why we want to 
switch “frameworks”… I think this should be fleshed out more; what is it we are 
actually solving for?

Also, I “think” its trying to propose we switch from a mostly flat yaml to a 
nested structure… I kinda feel this should be separated as we can and do do 
this today but the reason we have not grouped is not due to the framework we 
use but more “what makes sense to group” (lack of agreement and consistency 
here… ).  There was a JIRA that Caleb worked on and him and Benedict came up 
with a proposal, I recommend taking a look at that past work if you wish to do 
something similar.

We all have to maintain our configs, so we need to be able to answer a few 
questions with this type of proposal

1) how will developers maintain, and does this add any burdens to them?  What 
benefits do I get as a maintainer?
2) what are the read costs.  During a single CQL command we do many accesses to 
Config to see what we should and should not do/allow, so the costs here must be 
known or easy to understand.
3) config is a critical and core part of the code, so a rewrite comes with huge 
risk and cost, do we have equal or greater reward for this?  What are those 
rewards?  What are those risks?
4) can the motivations for this work be solved in a different way that improves 
one or more of the above questions?  Why is your proposal more desirable than 
those solutions?

> On Mar 13, 2024, at 12:15 PM, Maxim Muzafarov <mmu...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> During the implementation, many valid design comments were made about
> making the virtual table SettingTable [1] updatable. So, I've
> rethought the whole concept once again, and I want to take another
> step forward to make this problem feasible with less effort on our
> part.
> I want to replace the way we use and store node configuration values
> internally, which means I want to replace the Config class instance,
> where we store values with a tree-based framework.
>>> I propose to use the Lightbend API to do this. <<
> The changes themselves are quite limited, they don't require rewriting
> the whole codebase. All the DatabaseDescriptor methods will be
> retained, and the only thing that would change is the way we store the
> values (in the in-memory tree, not in the Config class instance
> itself). So I don't expect that it will be a huge change.
> All the design details are in the document below, including the
> framework comparison, the API, and the way how we will manage the
> configuration schema.
> Please take a look, I want to move things forward as every important
> change pulls on a bigger problem that has been neglected for years :-)
> Let's agree on the framework/API we want to use so that I can invest
> more time in the implementation.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/11W1Qj-6d9ZqHv86iEKgFutcxY2DTMIofEbr-zQiw930/edit#heading=h.2051pbez4rce
> Looking forward to your comments.
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-15254

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