
Let me summarize what we have on the list:

Mike Kienenberger - [20/Jun/07 01:56 PM ]
I don't see a problem with just throwing "Unsupported" exceptions for cases like this.


Øyvind Harboe - [20/Jun/07 01:57 PM ]
WIll an adapter that has lots of unsupported exceptions be considered for committing to the repository or will it sit in JIRA forever?

Ari Maniatis - [21/Jun/07 03:09 AM ]
I believe the tests for what should go into the Cayenne project are:

* can it be licensed under the Apache license
* is it useful to users of Cayenne generally
* is the code documented and clear enough that others can continue to build upon it and add those missing features if they want to

I'm not in a position to help test the code since we don't use Access or FoxPro here at all, but I'm sure others will be able to give it a good workout.

If you'd like to give it more chance of making it into Cayenne, you could repackage it for the Cayenne trunk (with org.apache namespace), add the Apache licensing headers to all files and flesh out the Javadocs to ensure there is complete documentation about what is implemented and what isn't.

I am sure your contribution will be useful to a great many people.

+1 - I agree with Ari. We will certainly accept it, but please help us a bit to get it in. Also would it be possible for you to sign a Contributor License Agreement and send it to the ASF:


"Grant license to ASF" checkbox in Jira should be sufficient in this case, but just to be on a safe side and to simplify any potential future work ;-)


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