There were 17 votes on the proposal

+1 15 people
+0 2 people
-1 none

Thanks everyone for participating.

The only open question I see in the thread is about hot fix branch naming 
Since there aren’t any major concerns and the vote has passed, I believe we 
should start adopting to this.

Can we start on following this and make the necessary git branches?


On 31-Jul-2014, at 3:58 pm, Rajani Karuturi <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We had long discussions on the git flow.
> I tried to capture the summary of it @ 
> This is updated on wiki @ 
>  and is up for a vote:
> Can you share your opinion on the proposal?
> [ ] +1  approve
> [ ] +0  no opinion
> [ ] -1  disapprove (and reason why)
> Thanks,
> ~Rajani

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